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Cat Gap, 2020

The majestic silence of megalithic mountains has always captivated me. From miles and miles away, great granite plutons and their stoic cliffs can be seen watching over the forest, just seeing them from afar, with our own eyes, activates something primordial in all of us.

These monoliths draw us close in our quest for peak human experience. In the quiet wisdom of the prehistoric forest, our own inner voices are amplified. Vulnerable to the elements, exposed to the very essence of who we are, we rely on ancient instincts to keep going. This journey reveals our truest self, and our deepest gratitude.

In this process, it reveals who we truly are. Far from the noise of society, resting high above the treetops with new perspective, we can see our place on this planet. Mountains are medicine for the spirit.

This artwork is named after the Cat Gap trail in Pisgah National Forest, which lead me to a place I had dreamed of arriving at for years - Cedar Rock Mountain. The mountains here are based on the view from the northwest cliffs, looking towards Black Balsam Knob.

Made with Adobe Photoshop on a Wacom Tablet

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