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World Gate, 2021

Normally I try to write something profound about the meaning and inspiration of the artwork. But honestly, this artwork just showed up in my head and gobbled at me to bring it to life. This stunning crystal tree amidst the vast cosmic leylines leylines is a portal for the digital mystics.

Stickers have also incarnated of this artwork, making their way across shows in the Blue Ridges and far beyond. Check out the World Gate Stickers in the shop!

Software used: Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator

World Gate Stickers →

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Watch where it came from

Might make an NFT of this?

  • Unlisted Reserve Price: 0.77 ETH
  • First Bid opens 7-day auction
  • Gateway to Holographic Mystery Realm
  • Funds production of Quantum Soup and gets your name in the credits
  • Seamless 1080p Loop
  • Very Generous
  • Love and Wonder Infused Art
  • DM me on Instagram and tell me if you would bid on this NFT and I'll make it happen, seriously, it's already partially animated, I'm kind of just waiting for that extra motivation, this link is to my IG thanks y'all love you!


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    Brett Warniers ©, 2019